Cold Laser Therapy Dr. Fred Eckfeld 

 Veterinary Cold Laser Therapy

Hot lasers are used for surgery. Cold lasers are used for healing purposes. To increase cell to cell communication as well as cellular regeneration we utilize the cold laser. Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a universal method of treating muscle, tendon, ligament, connective tissue, bone, neurological dysfunction or damage, and skin tissue.

Both acute injuries and chronic problems have demonstrated a beneficial and positive response to laser therapy. Post surgery recovery is enhanced when cold laser therapy is employed. Reducing inflammation and accelerating the healing process also happen as a result of use of cold laser therapy. The various tissues and organs of the body are frequency specific and we have the capability of programming the laser to match those needs.



Conditions Commonly Treated

Acute and non-acute lameness
Hip Dysplasia-like syndromes
Intervertebral disc disease
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture (ACL)
Pain-related behavior problems
Osteo-Chondritis Dessicans (OCD)
Progressive Myelopathies
Performance and Agility
Leaky gut syndrome
Urinary and Fecal Incontinence
Facial nerve Paralysis
Allergies (skin, intestinal & respiratory)
And much more...